Administrative Work With TC²
The TC² administrative team supports our professional learning and project teams to move forward our mission of transforming education. As well, administrative consultants often act as first points of contact for educators interested in collaborating with TC² on developing an innovative project or co-designing professional learning opportunities. Administrative portfolios include:
Professional learning: Each year TC² provides over 300 professional learning opportunities across Canada and internationally reaching more than 13,000 participants.
Project design and management: TC², in partnership with a diverse group of partners and funders, engages in approximately 20 innovative projects each year.
Marketing and publishing: TC²’s annual marketing and communication plans increase awareness of TC²-developed resources and professional learning opportunities. In addition, every year TC² develops and publishes a range of teaching and learning resources.
Information technology: As a consortium that communicates primarily through virtual platforms, the use of technology is critical to our collaborative work. The website is central to interactions with Partners and educators with over 65,000 visitors annually.
Human resource services: The HR portfolio provides service to over 30 employees and independent contractors.
Finance: TC² is a not-for-profit consortium that directs all financial resources to advance our mission of transforming education.
Current opportunities
All available opportunities will be posted below. Check back on a regular basis for new postings.