Stories from the Classroom

Written accounts describing the in-class experiences of teachers and other educators working to support critical, creative, and collaborative thinking.



Subject Area


Results 22

A school of critical thinkers

Andrea Williams describes how her staff at Elmdale Public School have embedded critical thinking into their teaching practices.
Subjects: Professional Learning, Not Subject Specific
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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Adding value to the university classroom experience

Dr. Rosalind Warner describes how attendance and participation in her classroom increased significantly after she started to deliberately encourage critical thinking in her students.
Subjects: Professional Learning, Not Subject Specific
Grades: Post-secondary
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An experience to share

Preeti Sharma describes students’ responses to critical challenges in her computer class in India.
Subjects: English/Language Arts, Professional Learning
Grades: 4, 5, 6
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But will it also work in math?

Sarah Sommers describes what happened when she and her teaching partner took a critical inquiry approach with their grade 5 students during a math patterning unit.
Subjects: Mathematics, Professional Learning
Grades: 4, 5, 6
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Canadian history comes alive through inquiry and technology

Giovanna Longhi describes how a topic in Canadian history – the collective rights of First Nations peoples and the numbered treaties - came alive through her students’ use of inquiry and technology.
Subjects: Civics, English/Language Arts, Social Studies, History, Professional Learning
Grades: 7, 8, 9
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Critical thinking in kindergarten

Teacher Heidi Pacquette tells how she used critical thinking to help her young students with reading.
Subjects: English/Language Arts, Professional Learning
Grades: K, 1
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