Thinking about Historical Commemorations

This resource features five lessons that invite students to think critically about historical commemorations. Each lesson features an inquiry question and challenge that invites students to deepen their understanding of a key aspect of historical commemorations. The lessons can be used individually or as a sequence of five lessons. The resource is designed for upper elementary, middle, and secondary school students, and includes background sheets, activity sheets, and assessment rubrics.

Author: James Miles
Editor: Lindsay Gibson

The Thinking About Historical Commemorations project is supported in part by funding from the University of British Columbia’s Hampton Fund New Faculty Grant.

This resource is also available in French: Penser aux commémorations historiques

Format: PDF
Subject: Social Studies, History
Grade: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Type of resource: Lesson Plans
Language: English
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