Author(s): Bob Sharpe, Kamilla Bahbahani, Niem Tu Huynh
ISBN: 978-0-86491-317-3
Engage students in geographical thinking through critical inquiry using a solid framework of interrelated concepts, examples, questions and criteria.
Also available in French: Enseigner la pensée géographique
Teachers wanting to engage students in geographical thinking through critical inquiry will find Teaching Geographical Thinking—Revised and expanded edition a very welcome resource. It provides a solid framework of concepts, examples and questions that clearly develop what critical inquiry means in geographical problem-solving.
This valuable resource is organized around:
Each concept is discussed and illustrated with examples, questions and criteria to guide the interrogation and assessment of geographic problems. Most of the examples draw upon current and pressing geographic problems in Canada. The examples are followed by concise discussions of the portal concept’s key dimensions, and suggestions for practical teaching applications across the curriculum.
Introduction Foreword Acknowledgements
Background 1 Introduction to geographical thinking 2 Critical thinking and geographical thinking 3 Alternative frameworks for studying geography
Portal concepts 4 Spatial significance 5 Patterns and trends 6 Interrelationships 7 Geographical perspective 8 Evidence and interpretation 9 Ethical judgment
Support materials A Internet resources B Student activity sheets
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