Author(s): Cara Tole, Lynn Zuekilke, Mara Coward, Mary Mulleady, May Wong, Patti Taunton, Roberta MacQuarrie, Susan Johnson, Susan Whyte
ISBN: 978-0-86491-248-X
Through several critical thinking challenges, students explore various school roles, consider how learning needs are met at school, and assess how well they meet their responsibilities to themselves and to others.
Introduction Foreword Acknowledgments Guide to Lesson Format Overviews of Critical Challenges Supplementary Resources British Columbia Curriculum Connections Critical Challenges Exploring needs and wants 1 Objects have needs 2 My favourite activity
Connecting rights with needs 3 What is fair to expect? 4 What I really need 5 Important learning needs
Identifying who is responsible 6 Who should help us? 7 Meeting our needs 8 Guess who? 9 How responsible am I? Blackline Masters List of Blackline Masters
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