Inquiry Units

Physical Patterns in a Changing World (Grades 7-9)

Use this comprehensive, ready-to-use, interactive digital resource package as you guide your students through an ongoing critical challenge exploring the overarching question: How should we respond to our changing Earth?

This resource is part of the collection Inquiry Units.

UNESCO opinion piece written by Maria Vamvalis: How Should We Respond to Our Changing Earth? Engaging Students in Critical Inquiry for Global Environmental Citizenship

Subject: Geography
Grade: 7, 8, 9
Type of resource: Units
Language: English

Overarching inquiry question
How should we respond to our changing Earth?

Overarching critical challenge
Create a compelling multi-media “message to the world” to communicate powerful ideas and inspiring examples that will help us respond sustainably to our changing Earth.

Big ideas

  • Humans have always lived in response to Earth’s physical patterns.
  • The physical world is changing because of natural and human activity.
  • The global community can learn to respond sustainably to the opportunities and challenges presented by our changing environment.