Learning for All Module 1: Knowing the Learner

During this facilitated learning opportunity, participants will refine and deepen their understanding of what a robust learner profile would look like. They begin by identifying the challenging factors that make teaching complex, particularly with respect to the range of strengths and needs of their learners. Participants then consider a variety of visuals and select the one that best reflects their current thinking, feelings and beliefs about teaching students with learning disabilities. They are presented with a brief sample profile of a student with a learning disability and determine the degree to which it would help inform their planning. Through the discussion, participants develop and refine the criteria for a robust learner profile.

This resource is part of the collection Learning for All Facilitator's Guides.

Format: PDF
Subject: Not Subject Specific
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Type of resource: Professional Resources
Language: English
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