Investigating Realistic Stories

Author(s): Deidre Bjornson, Mary Abbott, Roland Case

ISBN: 978-086491-329-6

Guide students to use eight fully-developed strategies to bring the study of history and global issues alive.

Format: Print
Subject: English/Language Arts, Social Studies
Grade: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Type of resource: Lesson Plans
Language: English
Published: 2011


Each of the eight strategies is supported with teaching instructions, reproducible activity sheets, assessment rubrics and student guides to help students learn to:

  • use literature as an information source about contemporary and historical issues from around the world;
  • interpret and engage with literary texts;
  • contribute meaningfully to discussions in literature and social studies.

This resource was produced with the support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

Table of Contents

Describe inner thoughts
Draw conclusions about the beliefs, fears, and values of a group or individual at a particular moment in time.

Identify character traits
Identify enduring qualities of an individual based on the person’s actions or statements.

Judge the level of thoughtfulness
Assess the thoughtfulness of actions that may otherwise seem extreme.

Uncover perspectives
Clarify the conclusions held by different individuals or groups on a topic by uncovering the factors that shape their differing points of view.

Explore daily life
Draw conclusions about the physical living conditions and qualities of life of an individual or group

Examine human rights
Recognize the various human rights that are at issue in a given event and decide whether the rights are being respected.

Explore personal impacts
Examine the effects of a decision or action and determine its impact(s) on others.

Think beyond the text
Ask relevant questions and speculate about possible answers that go beyond information provided in the text.

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