How do solar photovoltaic cells convert photons to electric energy?

Students develop understanding of the process that converts photons to electric energy in photovoltaic cells. To begin, students rate the effectiveness of explanations of common daily tasks and processes. Students use these rating to co-develop the criteria for an effective explanation. Next, students examine explanations of how solar photovoltaic cells convert photons to electric energy. Guided by information about the key steps in the conversion process, students use the criteria for an effective explanation to rate each explanation. Students deepen their understanding of the conversion process by reworking ineffective explanations to better meet the criteria. To conclude the lesson, students create an effective explanation of the conversion process for a non-science audience.

This resource is part of the collection Shining a Light on Solar Energy.

Format: PDF
Subject: Science
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Type of resource: Lesson Plans
Language: English
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