Great Canadian Political Cartoons 1946-1982

Author(s): Charles Hou, Cynthia Hou

ISBN: 978-0-9680016-6-0

Use this collection of cartoons from the 1946 to 1982 to enrich your students' study of several significant political issues of Canada's postwar years.

Format: Print (240 pages)
Subject: Civics, Social Studies, History
Grade: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Type of resource: Source Documents
Language: English
Published: 2011


The cartoon is a form of editorial comment that speaks directly. With what appears to be a simple arrangement of lines the clever cartoonist can often say far more, and say it far more pointedly, than the most verbose spinner of words.
-Christopher Dafoe

Canada changed dramatically in the years covered in this collection. In the previous three decades the country experienced two world wars and a major depression. The next three and a half decades brought a period of postwar prosperity and a generally improved standard of living, followed by an economic downturn with inflation and growing unemployment. Canadian citizens struggled with matters of national and international importance and with the ups and downs of everyday life, and some of the best political cartoonists in the history of the country documented their concerns and took to task those they held responsible.

Regular Price: $40.00