Inquiry Units

Good Government and Responsible Citizenship (Grades 4-6)

Use this comprehensive, ready-to-use, interactive digital resource package as you guide your students through an ongoing critical challenge exploring the overarching question: What are the most effective ways citizens and governments can ensure that our community, province and country are good places to live?

This resource is part of the collection Inquiry Units.

Subject: Social Studies
Grade: 4, 5, 6
Type of resource: Units
Language: English

Overarching inquiry question
What are the most effective ways citizens and governments can ensure that our community, province and country are good places to live?

Overarching critical challenge
Create an engaging and informative “call to action” aimed at convincing a selected audience to support your proposed plans for addressing a specific issue.

Big ideas

  • Our governments perform challenging and complex work.
  • Responsible citizens track and influence government decisions and actions.
  • Governments and citizens have joint responsibilities to take care of our community, province and country.