Developing Understanding through the Arts-Recognizing an Historic Injustice: Canada's First National Internment Operations, 1914-1920

Guide your students in exploring the experiences of Ukrainian and other European immigrants to Canada in the late 1800s and early 1900s and the impacts of internment on individuals, families and communities.

Author:  Tracey Tinley
Co-published by The Critical Thinking Consortium and Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund

Format: PDF (152 pages)
Subject: Art, Social Studies, History
Grade: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Type of resource: Lesson Plans, Units
Language: English
Published: 2017


Developing Understanding through the Arts - Recognizing an Historic Injustice: Canada’s First National Internment Operations, 1914–
is a unit for students in grades 5 to 9 that explores the experiences of Ukrainian and other European immigrants to Canada in the late 1800s and early 1900s and the impacts of internment on individuals, families and communities.

The lesson plans in this resource are self-contained, each focusing on developing understanding through the use of a related art form. If taught individually, these lessons are ideally suited for exploring the role of the arts as a vehicle for questioning, interpreting and deepening our understanding of historical events. As components of a unit of study, these lessons invite critical inquiry into a wide range of topics and issues relating to the challenges and opportunities experienced by European immigrants and the impact of the First World War internment operations on affected communities in Canada.

Each lesson includes detailed instructional strategies and required support materials. These include briefing sheets, activity sheets, images and source documents.

The resource is available for free courtesy of a grant from the Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund.

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Table of Contents

Overview of Critical Challenges
Guide to Lesson Format
Introduction to Critical Thinking
First World War Internment Resource List

Module 1: Developing understanding through images and documents
Lesson A Why did European immigrants come to Canada?
Lesson B What was daily life like for European immigrants to Canada?
Lesson C What was life like in internment camps?

Module 2: Developing understanding through literature
Lesson D
What might the internees have felt and thought?
Lesson E What might Ukrainian and other European immigrants have felt and thought?
Lesson F Which are the most important story events?

Module 3: Developing understanding through drama
Lesson G
How might creating sounds deepen our understanding of events and experiences?
Lesson H How might creating dramatic poses deepen our understanding of events and experiences?

Module 4: Developing understanding through visual arts
Lesson I What were the challenges, opportunities and achievements of Ukrainian immigrants?

List of briefing sheets, activity sheets, image sets and source documents



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