Developing Independent-Mindedness: Stargirl novel study

Author(s): Bianca Lavorata, Stefanie Pouwels

ISBN: 9780864913593

Use the critical thinking challenges in this novel study to help students explore the habit of mind of independent-mindedness and to nurture a sense of personal identity in the face of social pressure.

Format: Print (108 pages)
Subject: English/Language Arts
Grade: 6, 7, 8, 9
Type of resource: Lesson Plans
Language: English
Published: 2015


This six- to eight-week novel study is designed to help students explore the habit of mind of independent-mindedness
and nurture a sense of personal identity in the face of social pressures. Twenty lessons are organized in three sections:

  • Understanding independent-mindedness (3 lessons)
  • Examining independent-mindedness in the novel Stargirl (12 lessons)
  • Examining personal independent-mindedness (5 lessons)

Each lesson presents a critical challenge designed to nurture students’ understanding of this habit of mind and to further their ability to create and implement their own independent-mindedness action plans.

Table of Contents

Student testimonials
Guide to lesson components
Overviews of critical challenges

Critical challenges
Understanding independent-mindedness
1 Introducing independent-mindedness
2 Acting out independent-mindedness
3 Identifying attributes of independent-mindedness

Examining independent-mindedness in Stargirl
4 Introducing Stargirl
5 Understanding Stargirl
6 Assessing reading responses
7 Rating characters
8 Being liked
9 Experiencing “Hot Seat”
10 Sharing connections
11 Being excluded
12 Identifying change
13 Attempting to be “normal”
14 Identifying important messages
15 Rating a characters’ independent-mindedness

Examining personal independent-mindedness
16 Examining decisions
17 Rating my independent-mindedness
18 Planning for action
19 Becoming more independent-minded
20 Reflecting on action

Support materials
List of resources

What Students Are Saying

This book makes you think. Are you really being yourself? Or are you hiding your personality to be a person you are not?

I think that collaborative thinking is a more powerful learning experience than answering a series of comprehension questions. The reason I think this is because you can hear the other ideas of classmates and that could change your opinion completely.

After reading Stargirl and doing this study, I am more conscious of when and how I am being independent-minded or not. Now I say and do what I believe in and don’t let others’ actions or words get to me.

I never realized that sometimes I wasn’t being very independent-minded but after reading Stargirl, I really connected with the story and it made me think twice. It changed the way I think during any situation. I also realized that before, most of the decisions I made were non-independent minded. Now I feel more confident and independent-minded.

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