Critical Challenges for Primary Students

Author(s): Tami McDiarmid, Rita Manzo, Trish Musselle

ISBN: 978-0-86491-284-8

Using detailed lessons plans, provide young children with tools to think critically about a range of topics in a variety of subject areas.

Format: Print (144 pages)
Subject: English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3
Type of resource: Lesson Plans
Language: English
Published: 2007


As many primary teachers have known for years, young children can think for themselves and think critically provided they are given appropriate conditions and directions. The 18 challenges in this collection illustrate how to teach the tools that will empower primary students to think critically qbout various topics across a range of subject areas.

Table of Contents

Guide to Lesson Format
Introduction to Critical Thinking
Overviews of Critical Challenges

Critical Challenges
A Building structures
B Photo caption
C Design a community
D Insect habitat
E Problem in a Picture

Human nature
F The wolf’s “real” character
G Predicting a winner
H It’s so nice to have a wolf around the house

Moral dilemmas
I The discovery
J Rumpelstiltskin and the conditions for kindness
K Making a difference
L Right to do wrong?

Me and my family
M My character traits
N Powerful positive memories
O Assigning household tasks
P The trouble with Mama

Learning from others
Q Powerful questions
R The value of money

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