Author(s): David Ellison, Gail Parchoma, Holly Husarski Mair, Larry Killick, Muriel Dinsford, Nancy Shea, Natasha Schroeter, Phyllis Schwartz, Samantha Butler, Shani Laver, Suzanne Duke
ISBN: 978-0-86491-257-2
Use critical thinking challenges that span a wide variety of literature genres to teach students tools for critical thinking in English. Available as a PDF only.
One of the objectives in the study of literature is to develop students’ ability to think critically—to forumulate their own thoughtful opinions rather than to naively accept the ideas of others’ at face value. This means that they must acquire the “tools” to think and communicate competently and intelligently. This collection of 21 critical challenges introduces a range of the key tools that middle and secondary school students require for thinking about various literary genres. In many cases the lessons are self-contained and can be taught independently; others must be part of a larger unit of study about a play or novel.
Introduction Foreword Acknowledgments Guide to Lesson Format Reading Source Materials Introduction to Critical Thinking Overviews of Critical Challenges Critical Challenges Novels A Death by association B Would the real Dallas please stand up? C Who should we believe? D Dumb blondes, stupid jocks and four-eyed nerds E To be or not to be F Should it stay or go? G Like a rolling stone H Leader of the pack I Who said words can’t kill you? Short stories J A question of pride? K Who done it? L Daytime friends are nighttime lovers Poems M Baseball is life . . . the rest is just details N Pushing the poetic envelope Plays O Back to the future P Fate or free will? Q “Quote, unquote” R The nobler character: Laertes or Hamlet? Essays S Honesty: Is it the best policy? Songs T Punctuating the lyrics Fairy tales U On the other hand
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