Creating Thinking Classrooms

Author(s): Garfield Gini-Newman, Roland Case

ISBN: 978-0-86491-379-1

Navigate the opportunities and challenges of current reform initiatives by focusing on three important shifts: reorienting to a thinking classroom; attending to enriched goals; and aligning practices with key principles of 21st century learning.

Please note: Corwin has published a U.S. version of this book. If you are a Canadian educator, please purchase this Canadian edition published by The Critical Thinking Consortium.

Format: Print (264 pages)
Subject: Not Subject Specific
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Type of resource: Professional Resources
Language: English
Published: 2015


Are you looking to inspire educational change?

This book supports teachers and educational leaders in their efforts to navigate the diverse opportunities and challenges of current reform initiatives.

Leading educational change for a 21st century world involves a focus on three important shifts involving nine core ideas:

  • Shift #1: reorient the foundational beliefs about teaching and learning from the mindset of a discovery or didactic classroom to that of a thinking classroom.
  • Shift #2: refocus attention on more enriched versions of the three traditional educational goals, moving from fostering knowledge to deep understanding, from skills to real-life competencies and from attitudes to genuine commitments.
  • Shift #3: align teaching practices with five key principles of 21st century learning. These guiding principles are to engage students, sustain inquiry, nurture self-regulated learners, create assessment-rich learning and enhance learning through digital technology.

Table of Contents

Understand the issues
Chapter 1 Opportunities and challenges in a digital age

Reorient the foundations: Why thinking is at the heart of 21st century learning
Chapter 2 Thinking is the key
Chapter 3 Critical, creative and collaborative dimensions of thinking
Chapter 4 A framework for nurturing thinking classrooms

Refocus the goals: What schools must achieve to better prepare students
Chapter 5 From knowledge to deep understanding
Chapter 6 From skill to real-life competency
Chapter 7 From attitude to genuine commitment

Align with guiding principles: How teachers can best support 21st century learning
Chapter 8 Engage students
Chapter 9 Sustain inquiry
Chapter 10 Nurture self-regulated learners
Chapter 11 Create assessment-rich learning
Chapter 12 Enhance learning through digital technology

Support teacher growth
Chapter 13 Leading a renovation, not a revolution

What Teachers Are Saying

Education is becoming ever more complex. Here is a book that takes this complexity and, while not oversimplifying the demands, provides a coherent approach to responding to these demands, and in an inspiring way.

Kandace Jordan, Deputy Superintendent, Golden Hills School Division, Alberta

Educational reform is indeed daunting. As teachers and leaders strive to create more powerful learning for students, they will find many ideas and tools in this book to encourage and support their challenging work.

Carol Rolheiser, Professor, Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (OISE), University of Toronto

Creating Thinking Classrooms identifies the key contradictions and paradoxes and offers clear directions and a comprehensive road map to bring about meaningful change in schools to meet the demands of the 21st century 'renovation.' Gini-Newman and Case offer a coherent response to the demands facing teachers and administrators and provide sound and timely advice, in a cogent and persuasive manner.

Dr. Avis Glaze, Edu-quest International Inc., Former Chief Student Achievement Officer of Ontario

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