Author(s): Aric Hayes, Phyllis Schwartz
ISBN: 978-0-86491-196-4
As delegates to a simulated contemporary constitutional conference, students develop, negotiate and ultimately decide whether or not to support proposed amendments to Canada's constitution.
As a delegate to a contemporary constitutional conference, students develop, negotiate, revise and, ultimately, decide whether or not to support a proposed package of amendments to Canada’s Constitution.
In this 10 - 15 hour simulation of a contemporary constitutional conference, focussed around building consensus, students are assigned to one of five groups, each representing a region of Canada. Although the issues can be modified depending on teacher and student interest, the simulation provides background information for students to consider the constitutional implications of four areas of dispute: cultural diversity and equity; language protection; Aboriginal rights; federal-provincial power sharing.
Foreword Preface and Acknowledgments Introduction to Critical Thinking Overview of Simulation
Teacher Directions Orientation Round One Round Two Debriefing
Blackline Masters Regional Profiles Delegate Profiles Briefing Sheets Student Activities Support Materials Assessment Instruments
Tool Enhancement Contributing to the Group Developing Arguments Presenting Ideas Negotiating Agreement
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