Building a Community of Thinkers

Author(s): Cynthia Nicolson

ISBN: 978-1-77287-043-5

Use the practical ideas, examples and templates in this resource to build a learning community in which high-quality thinking is modeled, supported and explicitly encouraged.

See all of the titles in the Quick Guides to Thinking Classrooms series

Format: Print (32 pages)
Subject: Not Subject Specific
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Type of resource: Professional Resources
Language: English
Published: 2018


Building a Community of Thinkers provides practical guidance for teachers who want to use the power of critical, creative, and collaborative thinking to enrich their students’ learning. The resource clearly explains the value of nurturing a classroom community of thinkers and outlines effective steps toward achieving this goal. Student activity templates to support group discussion and peer feedback are included in this Quick Guide.

Table of Contents

What is a community of thinkers?

Why build a community of thinkers?

How can you build a community of thinkers?

How can you overcome common challenges?

Who might participate in a community of thinkers?

Quick Guides to Thinking Classrooms

Regular Price: $12.95