Assessing Mathematical Thinking: A Focus on Reasoning Competencies

Author(s): Laura Gini-Newman

ISBN: 978-1-9991413-9-4

Assessing Mathematical Thinking presents a framework for effectively assessing and evaluating thinking in math. It shows how building assessment practices on a foundation of essential mathematical reasoning competencies provides a clearly defined, manageable, and consistent way to target assessments. The guide introduces assessment practices and tools that focus on what matters most to supporting student success in math—developing a strong ability to reason mathematically.

See all of the titles in the Quick Guides to Thinking Classrooms series

Format: Print (62 pages)
Subject: Mathematics
Grade: K, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Type of resource: Professional Resources
Language: English



  • Frameworks and templates to help educators design empowering math assessments
  • Strategies to best support thinking and learning opportunities
  • Thinking routines to assess, support, and evaluate student thinking
  • Classroom examples from across the grades
  • Online Supplement with modifiable templates and additional resources, including

    -Fully developed teacher slides for student inquiry challenge
    -Using a Guide to Success to Assign Marks (narrated PPT presentation)

It is perfect for:

  • Math teachers, coaches, leads and others who support math learning at any grade level and are interested in learning how to use assessment as a way to build student capacity to reason mathematically as part of their day-to-day learning.

Table of Contents

Why assess reasoning competencies?
The benefits of assessing reasoning competencies
Assessing for thinking in action: The big picture

What mathematical reasoning competencies should we assess?
Assessing for thinking in action: Making math fun!
Two core reasoning competencies
   Sound reasoning
   Reflective reasoning
  The important role of quality

How can we design empowering math assessments?
Assessing for thinking in action: Making math meaningful
Making assessments curriculum and concept focussed
Making assessments context focussed
Making assessments reasoning focussed
   Framing reasoning-focussed questions and tasks
   Imposing constraints to narrow open-ended assessments
   Inviting students to make productive mathematical decisions

How can we best sequence thinking and learning opportunities?
Starting with the assessment
Scaffolding reasoning opportunities

What routines can we use to assess, support, and evaluate student thinking?
Assessing for thinking in action: Using thinking routines
Learning launches
Guides to Success
   Using Guides to Success to move seamlessly from assessment to evaluation

References and Notes

How to Use this Resource

Why assess mathematical reasoning competencies?

Focussing on reasoning competencies rather than content might seem like a significant shift in math assessment. But in reality, it’s not. When we focus on reasoning competencies, students continue to learn foundational math concepts while also learning how to deeply understand, appropriately act on, and effectively communicate using those concepts.

By teaching students to reason mathematically, we are empowering them to independently make mathematical decisions that they feel confident about and that they can see support their learning.

Building the capacity to reason mathematically helps students learn how to

  • effectively learn math no matter the grade level or content
  • reflect productively on the quality of their thinking and understanding
  • take ownership of their learning journey and personalize it in meaningful, productive, and accessible ways that serves each student well

What are mathematical reasoning competencies?

tc2_math_pedagogy.pngEight key mathematical reasoning competencies underpin all math learning and should frame our assessment practices. These are presented in "A Math Pedagogy Designed to Empower Learners" (Laura Gini-Newman, 2020).

In this guide, we will focus on the two competencies that are foundational for creating great mathematical thinkers: sound reasoning and reflective reasoning.

What Teachers Are Saying

When students are able to inquire about math and think about their thinking during the learning process the results are unbelievable. Assessment occurs on a daily basis because students are not only explaining what they know, they are also justifying how they know it. Students who once struggled in math before are now given the opportunities to share their thinking in new and different ways and they are shocked to see they CAN do math!

Jocelynn Foxon, K-12 Numeracy Coach

Quick Guides to Thinking Classrooms

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