Who We Are
Our team is made up of professionals from across Canada who bring their own insights, experiences, and backgrounds in teaching, educational administration, and leadership to the work of TC². Our greatest strength is our people and a shared commitment to advancing critical thinking as an educational outcome.

Cheryl Babin

Cheryl Babin is a Designer of Professional Learning with the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia based in Calgary. With experience in public, international and independent schools, Cheryl has held many roles including classroom and lead teacher, experiential learning coordinator, instructional coach, IB coordinator and workshop leader for North America and an instructor for pre-service teachers at St Mary’s University. Cheryl currently designs and facilitates professional learning opportunities for teachers and leaders in the region. She believes strongly in building trusting relationships with leaders and teachers to co-create on-going, embedded learning experiences over time that best meet the needs of the learning community. Specific areas of interest and experience include making learning meaningful through critical thinking and an inquiry-based pedagogy, developing conceptual understanding, student engaged assessment for learning, and the development of international-mindedness and global perspectives.

Josée Beausoleil

Over the past 25 years, Josée Beausoleil has played a central role within the Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE), transitioning from classroom teaching to professional support for educators and various leadership positions. Her passion for pedagogy has manifested in diverse areas, including assessment, teaching and learning, promoting critical thinking, and integrating technology in the classroom. She has actively contributed to developing the vision and mission of the school board, defining the student exit profile, and transforming the learning experience.
From the outset, Josée has been involved in activities related to TC² , allowing her to implement this model with staff, conduct training sessions, and develop educational resources. As a school principal and TC² facilitator, she places great importance on creating communities of thinkers and fostering critical thinking among both students and teachers.
In her role as principal, Josée has initiated various programs and partnerships to make her school a civic and community-oriented institution. Her priorities include shaping students who are engaged in their communities and capable of exercising their leadership for the benefit of all. Her passion for integrating technology has positioned her school as a pilot site for incorporating artificial intelligence to predict students' needs and ensure effective preventive interventions.
Au cours des 25 dernières années, Josée Beausoleil a joué un rôle central au sein du Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE), passant de l'enseignement en classe au soutien professionnel aux éducateurs et à divers postes de direction. Sa passion pour la pédagogie s'est manifestée dans divers domaines, notamment l'évaluation, l'enseignement et l'apprentissage, la promotion de la pensée critique et l'intégration de la technologie en classe. Elle a contribué activement à l'élaboration de la vision et de la mission de la commission scolaire, à la définition du profil de sortie des élèves et à la transformation de l'expérience d'apprentissage.
Dès le début, Josée a été impliquée dans les activités liées à TC², ce qui lui a permis de mettre en œuvre ce modèle avec le personnel, d'organiser des sessions de formation et de développer des ressources éducatives. En tant que directrice d'école et animatrice de TC², elle accorde une grande importance à la création de communautés de penseurs et à l'encouragement de la pensée critique chez les élèves et les enseignants.
En tant que directrice d'école, Josée a mis en place divers programmes et partenariats pour faire de son école une institution civique et orientée vers la communauté. Ses priorités sont de former des élèves engagés dans leur communauté et capables d'exercer leur leadership au profit de tous. Sa passion pour l'intégration de la technologie a fait de son école un site pilote pour l'intégration de l'intelligence artificielle afin de prédire les besoins des élèves et d'assurer des interventions préventives efficaces.

Jules Ducharme

Jules is a passionate educator who began his career in 2006, teaching a unique blend of subjects, playfully combining Mathematics, Dramatic Arts, and Computer Science into his integrated curriculum approach. His dedication and expertise earned him an Honour Certificate for the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence on October 3, 2012.
In 2013, Jules took a significant step in his career, serving as an educational advisor in numeracy for grades 7 to 10 at the Conseil scolaire catholique des Grandes-Rivières. He later expanded his role, working as a numeracy educational advisor for grades 7 to 12, supporting ministry initiatives at the Centre Franco.
From 2020 to 2022, Jules held the position of Education Officer within the Curriculum Unit of the Ontario Ministry of Education, where he played a pivotal role in shaping the future of education in the province. Currently, as an independent educational consultant, Jules leverages his experience and passion for education to inspire the next generation of teachers.
Jules is an advocate for embedding critical thinking strategies into classroom activities and fostering a love for learning through storytelling, especially in mathematics education. His approach emphasizes the importance of critical thinking in education and promoting transferable skills.
With a career steeped in innovation, dedication, and a profound understanding of pedagogy, Jules continues to inspire educators and students.

Jean-Marc Dupont

Jean-Marc est le Directeur des Services Pédagogiques pour le CECCE, le plus grand conseil scolaire francophone Canadien à l'extérieur du Québec. Sa thèse de maîtrise s'est concentrée sur les technologies éducatives et le développement des compétences du 21e siècle, en particulier la pensée critique et créative. Il a supervisé de nombreux projets pour son conseil, dont la migration vers Google Apps for Education, la création de plans de citoyenneté numérique pour les écoles, ainsi que la déclaration de mission du conseil. Actuellement, il travaille sur des initiatives liées à l'intelligence artificielle pour faciliter l'intervention des étudiants et transformer l'expérience d'apprentissage. Jean-Marc est toujours à la recherche de nouveaux défis et aime discuter de tous les aspects de la pédagogie et de la gestion du changement.
Jean-Marc is the Director of Pedagogical Services for the CECCE, the largest French-Canadian School District outside of Quebec. His Master's Thesis focussed on his passion for EdTech and the development of 21st century skills, specifically critical and creative thinking. He has facilitated many projects for his District, including the migration to Google Apps for Education , the creation of digital citizenship plans for schools, as well as the board's mission statement. He is currently working on artificial intelligence initiatives to facilitate student intervention and transform the learning experience. Jean-Marc is always looking for a new challenge and likes to chat about all things pedagogy and change management.

Garfield Gini-Newman

As an associate professor at OISE/University of Toronto and a senior national consultant with The Critical Thinking Consortium, Garfield has worked with thousands of teachers across grades and subjects, helping them to frame learning around engaging and provocative activities and authentic assessments. Garfield has spoken across Canada and internationally on critical thinking, brain compatible classrooms, curriculum design, effective assessment practice and nurturing 21st century skills in a digital world. In addition to working at the University of Toronto and delivering workshops, Garfield has taught in the faculties of education at York University and the University of British Columbia. Garfield has also authored several articles, chapters in books and seven textbooks and has taught in the faculties of education at York University and the University of British Columbia. His most recent book, co-authored with Roland Case, is Creating Thinking Classrooms.
Garfield's talk on critical thinking was inspiring and transformative.
Participant, Summer Institute, Toronto, ON
Thank you so much for sharing all of your insight, knowledge and superb ideas with us! Some of the things I heard from staff; "I could listen to him all day!", "I would just like to climb into his brain!", "He was so inspirational! I have already gone to the website, joined and looked up some resources. What he says makes so much sense. I can't wait to try his ideas in the class." I would say that it was a very rewarding day!
Principal, Rideau, ON

Laura Gini-Newman

Laura Gini-Newman began consulting with TC² after a diverse career as a classroom and university educator, consultant, coach, and textbook and curriculum writer. She has worked with teachers of all subject areas in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, the USA, Europe, Asia, the Caribbean and the Middle East. She has worked with teachers around the world highlighting the significant role of sustained critical inquiry in mathematics in empowering all students to become independent, self-regulated learners who understand the societal value of mathematics. In 2017, Laura was awarded the Karen LaRone Hidden Hero Educator Award for her work in mathematics. Laura has received formal training as a facilitator through both the ICA Associates Inc. and Adaptive Schools. She has presented widely on the topics of critical thinking, inquiry, assessment, instruction, school success planning, multiple intelligences and brain research.

Usha James

Usha James spent 12 years as a secondary teacher and five years seconded to OISE at the University of Toronto, as an instructor in the Initial Teacher Education Program and Director of the Secondary Program. She has co-authored textbooks, teachers’ resources, course profiles and ministry documents with the aim of providing practical strategies for teachers seeking to refine their practice. Usha has contributed to The Critical Thinking Consortium for many years as a resource writer and reviewer and as a speaker and facilitator. Usha has worked with teachers of kindergarten to post-secondary students, supporting their efforts to improve the quality of their students’ thinking. She has seen how an understanding of critical thinking can deepen teacher understanding and practice of assessment, instruction, curriculum design, literacy, numeracy and differentiation. Recently, Usha has also worked extensively with principals and superintendents particularly with the aim of helping them support teachers shifting towards a critical thinking pedagogy.
Attending the sessions with Usha James from the Critical Thinking Consortium has had a profound effect on my teaching. She has clearly demonstrated ways in which we can teach students to create and use criteria to make thoughtful and informed decisions. Usha has made me think harder about the types of questions I am asking students. In addition, she has made me realize the importance of planning with the big ideas in mind. She has allowed me to change my focus so that I am now constantly looking for ways to embed critical challenges around content, rather than to merely “teach content.” The ways in which our students have responded to the tasks which we have collaboratively created for them has most definitely proven that they are learning, thinking more deeply and thoroughly engaged.
Teacher-librarian, Mississauga, ON
Our training sessions with Usha James have made a huge difference in the amount of critical thinking students do in our classrooms. She has helped us to develop better questioning techniques that help the students go much deeper in their thinking. Our students have become more engaged in our lessons and have developed greater risk-taking skills as they have come to realize that there is not one right answer, but that many anwers are plausible as long as they can be justified. Their ability to justify their thoughts has also shown incredible growth through practice and experiencing success. We are often amazed at their deep thinking and find ourselves saying, "I can't believe a seven year old just gave that answer!" Our teaching is now more fun and meaningful for the students, and definitely more fun for us! As an added bonus, we have certainly developed our own critical thinking abilities!
Educators, Mississauga, ON

Giovanna Longhi

Giovanna is a principal of an elementary French Immersion School. Her interest in language learning and teaching is deep rooted, having taught English, French, Italian and Spanish. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Education with a focus on the intersection of language and race in education and in examining the roots of literacy programs and contemporary linguistic ideologies and practices.
Giovanna is passionate about critical, creative and collaborative teaching and learning. She captivates her audience with practical strategies for diversifying lessons that truly make a positive impact on student engagement to the curriculum. Teachers come away with effective learning activities that can be implemented in the classroom. We have enjoyed this relevant, collaborative professional development at our school.
Principal, St. Michael School, Calgary, AB
C’est toujours un plaisir pour moi de travailler avec Giovanna Longhi. Giovanna est une enseignante exemplaire passionnée par la mise en pratique de la pédagogie de la pensée critique. Elle est créative, sensationnelle et intéressante de voir quand elle explique la mise en valeur de la collaboration des apprenants dans une salle de classe typique. Elle nous fournit souvent des ateliers sur l’intégration de la forme de la pensée critique et elle utilise des stratégies diverses afin de rendre le curriculum vivant, pratique et engagé au yeux des apprenants. Personnellement, Giovanna, m´inspire quotidiennement avec des nouvelles de méthodes de faciliter l’apprentissage des Études Sociales.
Andy Amour, Professeur – Saint Michael School

Pierre Ouellet

Pierre Ouellet brings over 25 years of experience in education to his role as Assistant Principal of Educational Services at the Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE) in Ontario. Since 2012, he has been a dedicated advocate of the TC² model, using its principles to inform his leadership and enhance student learning. At CECCE, Pierre works closely with educational facilitators to support teachers in implementing high-impact instructional practices across the board. His previous role as a teacher consultant for 21st Century Learning saw him champion systems and design thinking to foster digital literacy, transferable skills, and cross-curricular learning.
Pierre’s passion for ongoing professional development and his commitment to reading a wide range of pedagogical literature keep him informed on best practices and the latest research in education. He has a strong focus on teaching and assessing critical thinking within Ontario’s curriculum, always seeking evidence-based strategies to improve student outcomes. His diverse experiences, including work in Prince Edward Island and the Northwest Territories, have broadened his perspective, enabling him to address the unique needs of various educational contexts. Pierre is dedicated to promoting best practices that empower students with the skills necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Stefan Stipp

Stefan was a classroom teacher in Surrey for 23 years and currently works as a Vice-Principal in Surrey, BC. A primary focus of his teaching practice was building communities of thinkers in his Social Studies, English, Career Education and Psychology classes. Stefan has taught and mentored students as a Faculty Associate with Simon Fraser University and he teaches a Social Studies Methods course at the University of the Fraser Valley. His contributions to TC² include authoring and contributing to various publications including the recently published Teaching Historical Thinking (Second Edition). He facilitates workshops on promoting self-regulated learning, student engagement, building classroom community, critical thinking and historical thinking. Stefan’s work is grounded in his day-to-day experience with students in schools. In 2013, he received the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence.
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful presentation you gave Monday to our Teacher Librarian group. You have a fabulous way of sharing your teaching philosophy and approach and gave many great ideas and examples to help in our work supporting teachers with the re-designed curriculum.
Assistant Superintendent, Mission, BC

Maria Vamvalis

Maria Vamvalis, PhD, is an experienced professional learning facilitator with The Critical Thinking Consortium and the lead Consultant in Climate Change, Equity, and Well-Being. She has worked with numerous school districts in the last decade to embed critical thinking in education. As an experienced public school educator and post-secondary instructor, Maria is deeply committed to supporting teacher and system leadership to collaboratively respond to complexity with insight and reflexivity. She recently completed her doctoral research project, Climate Justice Pedagogies for Youth and Planetary Well-Being: Perspectives from Canada at OISE, University of Toronto. Maria co-designs and co-leads numerous professional learning initiatives related to climate education informed by her research, including co-facilitating the first national online course for K-12 teachers through the Accelerating Climate Change Education Project.
Maria is a very skilled and thought-provoking facilitator with a wealth of knowledge, someone who inspires without overwhelming or intimidating. I was impressed by her poise in delivering information at-a-distance and still managing to actively engage her participants—it wasn’t just me-to-you delivery of information, but rather a co-learning experience. Both webinars covered a lot of ground in a short amount of time. She offered valuable insights and affirmed the need for creating a thinking math classroom. Maria shared practical suggestions and resources for creating co-learning experiences with students that elevate thinking.
Instructional coach, K-8, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, ON
Maria was an excellent facilitator of our professional development sessions. She listened carefully to our needs and planned activities that required reflection and professional dialogue. Our teachers really appreciated the fact that Maria did not overwhelm them with information; rather, she presented key ideas for consideration and provided ample time for participants to determine if/ how these ideas might be integrated into classroom practice. We look forward to working with Maria again in the future!
Learning coordinator, K-12, Thames Valley District School Board, ON

Warren Woytuck

Warren Woytuck has been a K-12 teacher and elementary and junior high school principal for more than 20 years. His diverse professional background includes leadership experience in government and not-for-profit organizations. As curriculum manager with Alberta Education, Warren co-led the development of the provincial high school social studies curriculum. Warren has also authored and edited several TC² teaching and learning resources. As a coach and facilitator, Warren has worked with thousands of educators and leaders in the areas of critical thinking, creativity, design thinking, instructional excellence and school leadership. He is the recipient of the Alberta Teachers’ Association Social Studies Council Award of Excellence and the Royal Roads University Leadership Award.
Thank you so much for today's session. As a first-year administrator in a new building with the added complication of COVID it has been an interesting year, and I so appreciated the opportunity to be really creative today. I am always in awe of your ability to really intentionally push the thinking of the groups that you work with.
Associate Principal, Strathmore, AB
So, thank you! … 'simple' but so important small changes … are really having an impact on our teaching and learning and it's thanks to our sessions with you.
Teacher, Calgary, AB
Once again, you hit it out of the park with our people.....thanks for all that you do and continue to do for [our district].
Superintendent, Prairie Land School Division, AB
In almost four decades of being an educator, I have met few teachers or administrators who are as thoughtful and wise as Warren. He is a gifted facilitator and communicator with exceptional people skills. He is a reflective practitioner who models and supports this behaviour with his colleagues. His background in curriculum development and his varied educational experiences, coupled with his work with the Critical Thinking Consortium, afford him a unique perspective that he brings to the work of public education.
Former Assistant Superintendent, Canadian Rockies Public Schools, AB
This staff is so engaged in the work – you are really creating a “thinking team”. I have been approached many times by teachers about the value of the work and how it is impacting how they approach task design now. I am so enthused sitting in on PLCs to hear where their discussions are taking them.
Principal, Panorama Hills Elementary School, Calgary Board of Education, AB

Kellie Wrigley

Kellie brings with her a wealth of experience and a steadfast commitment to improving educational outcomes for all students. With 22 years of dedicated service in the field of education, Kellie has amassed a diverse range of experiences across various roles, including classroom educator, literacy coach, school principal, and system principal.
Throughout her career, Kellie has demonstrated a passion for collaborative leadership and a deep-seated belief in the power of collaborative inquiry to drive positive change. In each of her roles, she has worked and learned alongside fellow educators to enhance student outcomes and promote inclusive learning environments through the use of the TC² framework.
Kellie champions collaboration, critical inquiry and reflective practice as essential components of effective school improvement efforts. As a school principal, she fostered a culture of shared responsibility and continuous growth, empowering educators to leverage their collective expertise to address challenges and seize opportunities for improvement.
In her most recent role as a system principal, Kellie played a pivotal role in shaping district-wide initiatives aimed at enhancing educational outcomes and promoting equity and inclusion for all students through the meaningful use of data. With a strong focus on data literacy, she leverages meaningful data use to more deeply understand how students are doing, to identify potential barriers, guide decision-making and monitor educational impact. Kellie is dedicated to working with leadership teams, enhancing and expanding their understanding of the types of data, and how we gather and use data to develop school learning plans that lead to change, and serve as a catalyst for further inquiry.
Senior consultants and coordinators

Senior consultant team
Usha James

Senior consultant team
As executive director of TC², Usha consults on governance, projects and publications, finance and support services. She has also consulted with TC² as a reviewer, writer and facilitator for many years. She has also facilitated professional learning extensively at classroom and leadership levels. Usha has provided leadership in the areas of innovation and development for TC² beginning in 2013 and collaborated with the senior consultant team to support organizational planning, policy and staff development. She continues to be involved in the conception, creation and supervision of the development of a variety of publications and programs.

Senior consultant team
Warren Woytuck

Senior consultant team
As well as his roles as a facilitator, senior editor and writer, Warren contributes to TC² as a director. He has been a K-12 teacher and elementary principal for more than 20 years. Warren has leadership experience in government and not-for-profit organizations and co-led the development of a provincial secondary social studies curriculum. He has authored and edited several teaching and learning resources, bringing the practical experience of working with thousands of teachers to his project consultation.

Senior consultant team
Victoria Campoli

Senior consultant team
As a consulting director with TC², Victoria consults on professional learning, communication and marketing. Previously, Victoria was an educator in the York Region District School Board for over 35 years, where she learned from students and colleagues the value of collaborative work. Her leadership as a secondary school principal focused on intentional and purposeful professional learning with the goal of engaging students in meaningful and engaging learning. In her most recent role as a centrally assigned principal, her responsibilities centered on the review and development of programs and services for students at risk.

Senior consultant team
Garfield Gini-Newman

Senior consultant team
As a national senior consultant with TC² and associate professor at OISE/University of Toronto, Garfield has worked with thousands of teachers across grades and subjects. Previously he was a teacher and curriculum consultant and has led major projects exploring the use of digital technologies to enhance critical, creative and collaborative thinking. Garfield speaks across Canada and internationally, has authored seven textbooks and has taught in the faculties of education at York University and the University of British Columbia.

Laura Gini-Newman

Laura began consulting with TC² after a career as an economist, financial accountant, university instructor, consultant, coach, teacher, curriculum and textbook writer. She has taught economics, mathematics, philosophy, history and geography for over 20 years. She continues to support teachers across all subject areas around the world as a facilitator and writer for TC². With a strong passion and expertise in mathematics, Laura is consulting with TC² on the development of a conceptual framework with supporting resources for the implementation of critical thinking in the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Marni MacDonald

Marni MacDonald brings a wealth of experience to her role as a communications and marketing consultant for The Critical Thinking Consortium (TC²). With a background in Science, Exceptionality in Human Learning, and Health & Physical Education, Marni has spent over three decades in education and curriculum leadership roles with the District School Board and Niagara. As a retired Curriculum Consultant for the school board and former chair of the Science Education Leaders of Ontario, she has successfully contributed to curriculum and professional development at both local and provincial levels. Marni's expertise in critical thinking, curriculum development, and inclusive education makes her well-suited to support TC²'s mission. Her ability to bridge educational experience with creative endeavors, such as crafting engaging curricula for children's animated television, showcases her innovative approach. Beyond her consultancy role, Marni actively contributes to writing, editing, and managing projects for TC², demonstrating her dedication to progressive learning initiatives within the TC² community. With a blend of experience and genuine passion, Marni is committed to inspiring transformative thinking and learning within the non-profit educational services sector.

Jacqueline Rajarathnam

Jacqueline joined the TC² team in 2007. Her work as administrator and client services coordinator includes office operations, communications, financial reporting and information technology. She is also the secretary to the board of directors. Jacqueline graduated from Simon Fraser University with a major in communications and a certificate in business management.

Maria Vamvalis

Maria Vamvalis, PhD, is an experienced professional learning facilitator with The Critical Thinking Consortium and the lead Consultant in Climate Change, Equity, and Well-Being. She has worked with numerous school districts in the last decade to embed critical thinking in education. As an experienced public school educator and post-secondary instructor, Maria is deeply committed to supporting teacher and system leadership to collaboratively respond to complexity with insight and reflexivity. She recently completed her doctoral research project, Climate Justice Pedagogies for Youth and Planetary Well-Being: Perspectives from Canada at OISE, University of Toronto. Maria co-designs and co-leads numerous professional learning initiatives related to climate education informed by her research, including co-facilitating the first national online course for K-12 teachers through the Accelerating Climate Change Education Project.

Kara Zutz

Kara began consulting with TC² after teaching at an online school and writing storyboards and design documents for creating online learning resources. She acts as a liaison between content writers and production consultants and connects with the members of the communications consultant team to regularly update the website.
Board of directors

Morden Cormier Education Solutions
Nicole Morden Cormier

Morden Cormier Education Solutions
Nicole Morden Cormier has dedicated her career to fostering growth, learning, and leadership in education. A passionate advocate for student success, personal and staff development, Nicole recently transitioned from her role as Director of Education for the Superior-Greenstone District School Board to establish herself as a certified Executive Leadership Coach and Mentor, operating her own business, Morden Cormier Education Solutions.
With a career spanning decades, Nicole has served in various impactful roles, including classroom teacher, school principal, system principal, superintendent, and for the last seven years of her tenure, as Director of Education. Her leadership extended beyond the Superior-Greenstone District, located in a small, rural, northern region at the top of Lake Superior, as she also chaired the Northern Ontario Education Leaders (NOEL), a consortium representing directors of education, Lakehead University, and Confederation College. Additionally, she currently chairs the Boards for The Critical Thinking Consortium and Brass Bell Family Resource Center, further reflecting her commitment to educational excellence.
Nicole's professional philosophy emphasizes re-imagining education through experiential learning, inclusion, and relationship-based leadership. Her innovative approach and dedication to creating equitable opportunities for students have left a lasting legacy in the education community.

Brandon School Division
Ingrid Gross

Brandon School Division
Ingrid Gross is Brandon School Division’s Continuous Improvement Administrator. With a career spanning over 30 years in education, she has established herself as a dynamic leader dedicated to fostering growth and excellence within public and post-secondary education institutions. In her current role, Ingrid spearheads initiatives aimed at enhancing pedagogical innovation. Born and raised in Manitoba, living on the Prairies shaped her appreciation for hard work, innovation, grit, collaboration, and perseverance. Ingrid holds a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction and is actively involved in professional organizations, staying abreast of the latest trends and best practices in education.

Judy Richards

Judy is a retired elementary principal from the Peel District School Board with 24 years of experience in school leadership as both a vice principal and principal. She has co-facilitated Educational Law for the Ontario Principals Council and Vice Principal Learning Networks for a number of superintendents. Since retiring, Judy has been actively working. As a district principal coach, she mentored and coached newly appointed principals. Judy served in the role of professional learning consultant for TC² for 3 years. Since 2020, she has led in various centrally assigned, acting coordinating principal roles, in special education and social emotional learning.

Foundations for the Future Charter Academy
Krystal Abrahamowicz

Foundations for the Future Charter Academy
Krystal Abrahamowicz proudly serves as Executive Director for the Calgary Regional Consortium, one of seven regional consortia in Alberta who together provide professional learning for the education community across the province, known as the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia (ARPDC). With a passion that drives responsive professional learning for the Calgary and area education community, Krystal focuses on connectedness to the field in designing supports for her region. During her time with Consortia, Krystal has authored and co-authored a number of Alberta resources including the Government of Alberta Working Together to Support Mental Health in Alberta Schools resource, the Supporting High School Completion: A Tool Kit For Success and the Weaving Ways: Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Classrooms and Schools. Prior to her time at the CRC, Krystal was the Student Services Coordinator for a charter school in the Calgary area that serves gifted learners. In 2010, Krystal was a semi-finalist for the Alberta Education Excellence in Teaching Award.

Charlie Bishop

Charlie is a retired educator who has spent over 30 years in the roles of teacher, department chair, school administrator, education officer, and superintendent. He worked for the Lakehead District School Board for 24 years, and spent 6 years with the Superior-Greenstone District School Board as superintendent. During that time, Charlie always promoted equity and was an advocate for the most vulnerable. Much of his learning and personal growth has been focussed on equity. In recent years, much of that learning has been associated with the brain, especially neuroplasticity and epigenetics. Charlie is very excited to be part of The Critical Thinking Consortium at the board level.

York Region District School Board
Rita De Ala

York Region District School Board
Rita has been an educator for over 20 years. She’s had a wide range of teaching experiences which began in the Early Years and led to an affinity with teaching children with exceptionalities.She taught the ACCESS program which serviced suspended or expelled students and became a Regional Itinerant Teacher who supported students with exceptionalities. Rita served as Vice Principal and then Principal who championed Inclusive Design for Education. Her passion for supporting communities with vulnerabilities brought her to the role of Regional Principal with the Research and Assessment Team and most recently she is in the role of Student Services Coordinator, Regional Principal responsible for the Special Education portfolio. Rita is thrilled to be able to contribute to the TC² Board of Directors.

The Covenant Group
Keita Demming

The Covenant Group
Keita is an award-winning educator and coach who is working to transform companies into places and spaces that are idea-driven and people-centred. He and his team at The Covenant Group have built an online coaching platform Coach on the Go that acts as a virtual coach for entrepreneurs and business builders. At the core of their developmental work is the belief that building any new training or workshop starts with people. As a Trusted Advisor and Thought Leader in design, strategy, and innovation he has come to accept that the more we learn from others, the more likely we are to find our own journey a little bit easier. One of his proudest achievements outside of work is the community he helped grow around TEDxPortofSpain, a local version of the popular TED ideas festival and one of the most successful TEDx events in the world. You can also visit Keita’s podcast, Disruptive Conversations, where he unpacks how people who are working to disrupt a sector or system think.

Sessional Instructor, UPEI (University of Prince Edward Island)
Heidi Patterson

Sessional Instructor, UPEI (University of Prince Edward Island)
Heidi is a retired educator from Superior Greenstone District School Board (2019). Since the fall of 2019 she has been a Sessional Instructor at the Faculty of Education (UPEI). She started her career in Moosonee, Ontario 1989 as a science teacher at Northern Lights Secondary School. During her 12 years in Moosonee she assumed the role of Vice Principal and for her last 2 years she was the Principal. In 2001, she moved to Terrace Bay and started her career with Superior Greenstone DSB. Her portfolios included Vice Principal, Principal, Special Education Lead, Student Success Lead and Experiential Lead. Heidi had a passion for student success and school effectiveness.
Professional Learning has been a key to Heidi’s learning journey. In 2009 she completed her Master of Education degree and in 2010 she completed her Supervisory Officer’s Certificate.
In her retirement she works part-time as a sessional instructor in the Bachelor of Education program. She has also been a member of the Faculty Council as a sessional rep and is currently a Bachelor of Education member as a sessional rep. Her courses and passion continue to be in the area of science and assessment and supporting B.Ed. students in their practicum placements.